Home Improvement

Creating A Guest Bedroom You’d Be Happy To Sleep In

31 Mar , 2015  

Contemporary Guest Bedroom

Because the guest bedroom is not a place to dump your old furniture… More…


Cleaning Tips

What Works and What Doesn’t When You Clean The Home

23 Mar , 2015  

What Works and What Doesn't When Cleaning

Many of us learned how to do our chores at a very early age by observing how grown-ups did it. Even now I realize I often do things without questioning myself – why do I add more detergent when I try to clean a resistant stain? Things like this made me think of other habits and whether they are as efficient as I believed. More…


Cleaning Tips

Unexpected Overnight Visitors! Is Your Home Ready?

16 Mar , 2015  

Guest Bedroom

And no, that’s not my guest room, unfortunately… More…