Cleaning Tips

Rental Inspection Tips

26 Jan , 2018  

Rental Inspection Cleaning Tips

At some stage of our lives, most of us have all rented a property. Whether it’s been your own rental, or living with friends the mad rush of cleaning and tearing your hair out to get the place ‘perfect’ is all too familiar. For those bending the rules (and yes, there’s a few) you’ll find yourself hiding dog toys in the car and dropping your furry friend to the neighbours. And between trying to look like the gold-star tenant and playing detective removing all traces of additional housemates, the whole process can be extremely stressful. More…


Confessions of a Happy Housewife,Inner Peace

How to be more productive if you are a work-at-home mom

11 Jan , 2018  


 Aren’t you lucky to be able to stay at home and tend to your children’s needs while being still in a position of contributing to the family budget? I feel this way, too. But it took me some time to truly appreciate the opportunity to work from home without compromising my idea of being a good mom at the same time. I had to fine tune my expectations in both endeavours, adjust goals, configure relationships with clients and reinvent the concept of time management to suit my family needs. As a result, I became more organised, fulfilled and happier. I manage now to complete whatever tasks I’ve set for myself for the day and still have free time to enjoy a half-an-hour chat with a friend, for instance.


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