Confessions of a Happy Housewife
Getting married young nowadays seems like a crazy thing to do, keeping in mind the options we have. However, sometimes, I believe, this great variety of so called “options”, limits us. Relationships comes and go, intimate partners change, but we remain the same and expect different results from every new relationship that comes along. In addition, being alone doesn’t mean that you are free! That being said, I believe marriage provides us a larger platform for positive change and a stable foundation to grow! More…
Confessions of a Happy Housewife
I guess you have already noticed that I am on a roll with the marriage and wedding posts, but there is a perfectly good explanation for that. On the 2nd of July, Stephen and I will mark our first anniversary as a married couple! It is a very exciting moment for both of us and me, in particular! More…
Confessions of a Happy Housewife
If you think you’d be done with your wedding after you eat from the cake and throw the bouquet, you are quite wrong. I should know! It has been almost an year now since Stephen and I got married and I am still hesitating about my wedding dress and what to do with it. In other words, wedding-related decisions will still keep coming after the big day is over. You will have to send “Thank you!” notes to your guests, find a place for all the presents, flowers, and determine what to do with your wedding gown. Your wedding is simply not done with you yet!
Home Improvement,Interior Design and Decoration
If you want to spruce up certain areas of your home, here is a collection of ideas I have been collecting for a while now! Most of them are low-cost and will work in almost every home!
Confessions of a Happy Housewife,Entertainment,Healthy Living
In a recent TV show I watched – Game of Thrones, one of the main character said something striking: “Their days are too long and their lives are too short!” Have you ever had the feeling your days and your life is heading in that direction?Happiness is a much cherished goal for each and every one of us. Often in the equation of life in order to achieve personal and professional happiness, we don’t need to add more things – we simply need to subtract. Imagine what your life might be if you take certain activities out of it? The career expert Jeff Haden prepared a list of things we would be better off without. So here they come… More…
Cleaning Tips,Confessions of a Happy Housewife
As the name of this blog suggests, I hate cleaning, however I had to clean once I got married, so I discovered a few benefits of cleaning, I wasn’t aware of before. Since then, I started to like it a lot more. Without further adieu, here is what I found about cleaning during the first year of my marriage.
In the modern and developed society, we live in, technology has become an inseparable part of our daily life. Those who love to travel, will agree with me that technology is particularly useful when we are on the road. I remember, the last time, I travelled abroad, I took with me the following devices: a lap top, a camera, a phone, my Kindle reader, a hair-dryer, an mp3 player and a tablet (simply because it had good GPS apps and I also played some Fruit Ninja while queuing here and there). Anyway, all of the above mentioned help us make our trip more enjoyable.
Home Improvement,Interior Design and Decoration
If you have the privilege to work from home, you are one of the few lucky people who get to spend their eight hours of work in the comfort of their home. Well, it might actually be more than eight hours, since according to someone: “Being your own boss is great, it means you get to decide which 18 hours you want to work.” Whether it will be 8 or 18 hours, it is important that you have a comfortable places that enhances your productivity. Here comes the tricky bit. More…
home improvement, interior design, interior design and decoration, self-employment, working area
Confessions of a Happy Housewife,Healthy Living
A few days ago I shared my story with the jack Russell Joe and the cat Alice. Stephen and I had to take care of them, while their two owners were away on a trip. I got myself thinking, why would people pay for a pet, clean a mess they haven’t made, pay for food and put in so much effort into taking care of it? Then all the psychological benefits of owning a fluffy friend started flooding my mind. And they are many! I will briefly discuss a few.
Stephen and I decided when we got married that we won’t have any pets until our children are a bit older. The reason for this is that we want to learn how to be a good spouses to each other, then learn how to be good parents. If we get a dog before we have a baby, I will feel like I am putting my child at a risk and I won’t feel at ease to give the pet away either. So why am I writing about cleaning pet messes? Funny story!
Cleaning Products,Cleaning Tips,Green Cleaning Tips
Did you know that the air at home is 200% more polluted than the air outside? And I thought we had a problem with the nasty emissions of the cars, while it turns out that the problem is hiding in our cleaning solutions. Because of the harsh chemicals in cleaning solutions, air fresheners, washing liquids and other seamlessly helpful detergents, we breathe poisonous vapours. Another research supports this finding! Stay-at-home wives were 54% more likely to develop cancer, compared to those who work outside. For this reason, I am suggesting you turn to green and natural solutions that won’t trigger allergies, asthma, cancer or other health problems.
cleaning advice, cleaning tips, cleaning with baking soda, green cleaning tips
Confessions of a Happy Housewife
And are still as happy as we could be!
I know many people are happy when the holidays approach and probably they will hate me for this, but I have to say it! Even though, I am married and very much in love, I hate Valentine’s Day for many reasons! More…